Egan Maritime & Nantucket Shellfish Association presents a Regional Aquaculture Symposium. Join experts from Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard, and Cape Cod as they discuss how our waterfronts have shifted to promote local sea farming in the wake of changes in wild-caught fisheries.
August 13, 2024
Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum
158 Polpis Road
Panel: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
After the panel, guests are invited to the Museum's grounds to learn more from local organizations, regional guests, and local aquaculturists. Lite bites and refreshments will be provided.
Jamie Bassett, Founder and Operator of Chatham Kelp
Emma Green-Beach, Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group
Tara Riley, TON of Nantucket Biologist, Shellfish Hatchery
Dr. Jen Karberg, Nantucket Conservation Foundation, Coastal Resiliency
Renee Ceely, Egan Maritime
Sierra Gray, Nantucket Shellfish Association
Information Tables:
Chatham Kelp
Nantucket Conservation Foundation
Nantucket Land and Water Council
Town of Nantucket Natural Resources
Matt Herr, Grey Lady Oysters
Nantucket Shellfish Association
Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Association